Treasury Management Proposals (TMPs)


Treasury Management Proposals (TMPs) are governance proposals that aim to execute relevant actions involving management of the Treasury.


The author must use the following template when writing a TMP for voting on Snapshot:

[TMP-#] <title>
## Abstract
Two or three sentences that summarize the TMP.

## Motivation
A statement on why the Xyxyx community should implement the XIP.

## Rationale
An explanation of how the TMP aligns with the Xyxyx community's mission and guiding values.

## Key Terms
Definitions of any terms within the proposal that are unique to the proposal, new to the Xyxyx community, and/or industry-specific. This section is optional, but recommended.

## Specifications
A detailed breakdown of the specifications of the proposal. This is where you can elaborate on the "why" of your terms decisions.

## Steps to Implement
The steps to implement the TMP, including associated costs, manpower, and other resources for each step where applicable.

## Timeline
Relevant timing details, including but not limited to start date and completion dates.

## Overall Cost
The total cost to execute the TMP. The overall cost section should include a breakdown of the total cost of the TMP, including any associated costs for each step where applicable. Consider both fixed costs and recurring costs.


TMP drafts on the Governance Forum must include a preamble section at the head of the post using the following template:

TMP#: <number>
Title: <title>
Author(s): <author>
Contributors: <contributors>
Status: <status>
Date Proposed: <yy-mm-dd>
Date Ratified: <yy-mm-dd>
Forum URL: <URL>
Ratification Poll URL: <URL>


  • Draft: This TMP is a work in progress.

  • Proposed: This TMP is issued for voting.

  • Accepted: This TMP has passed and must be executed.

  • Rejected: This TMP has failed to reach community consensus.

  • Executed: This TMP has been executed.

Last updated