
XYXYX are 121 ERC-404 tokens generated and stored fully on-chain.


Xyxyx Issuer Nodes (XINs)

XYXYX incorporates Xyxyx Issuer Nodes (XINs), enabling tokenholders to be the only entities allowed to execute deployments on the Xyxyx Launchpad.


XYXYX tokenholders manage the Xyxyx Protocol via Xyxyx DAO.

Key Features


Built upon the ERC-404 standard, XYXYX comprises features of both ERC-20 and ERC-721 standards.


XYXYX has 18 decimals, meaning that the token can be subdivided into fractions of up to 0.000000000000000001 XYXYX.

Fully On-Chain

XYXYX is executed and stored entirely on-chain. Every 1 full XYXYX is embodied through a Base64-encoded SVG output that is embedded in the token metadata and stored on the blockchain.

Built-In Hash Function

The XYXYX smart contract introduces a built-in token-ID-based hash function called XYHASH, which cryptographically ensures the visual uniqueness of each token.

Last updated