XYXYX is built upon a fully blockchain-based iteration of the ERC-404 standard.
Every 1 full XYXYX is embodied by an ERC-721 token with a tokenURI
that points to a unique Base64 string generated by XYHASH , which is permanently recorded on the blockchain and stored within the token’s metadata. This Base64 string encodes an SVG output, making it human-readable data.
As a result, XYXYX is generated, stored, and rendered fully on-chain, diverging from traditional practices that rely on off-chain storage solutions (such as IPFS).
How it works
Find below an architecture overview of XYXYX using the tokenURI
of Xyxyx #1 .
1. Token URI Base64 String
The Base64 string that encodes the token URI of the token, which is inscribed on-chain.
2. Base64 Decoded to JSON
Copy {"name": "Xyxyx #1", "description": "", "image": ""}
When decoded the token URI's Base64 string, it generates a JSON file with a secondary Base64 string as ''image'':.
3. JSON Base64 Decoded to XLM
Copy <svg width="500" height="500" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"><rect width="100%" height="250px" fill="#000" /><rect width="50%" height="250px" fill="#44ddcc" transform="translate(0, 250.000000)" /><rect width="50%" height="250px" fill="#882222" transform="translate(250, 250.000000)" /><text xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" transform="translate(23.000000,33.000000)" fill="#fff" font-family="Courier New,Courier,Lucida Sans Typewriter,Lucida Typewriter,monospace" font-size="10px" font-weight="bold">1</text></svg>
When decoded the secondary Base64 string from the JSON file, it generates the XLM code that embodies the SVG output.
4. SVG Output
The SVG output generated by the XLM code.
An archive of all the 1 full XYXYX minted by the smart contract can be viewed here .